Cottages & Modular Homes
Go off-grid in just 1 day and make your money back in 3 years.

Why you need a Powerpak?

Cottagers in Canada typically pay $150 - $200 each month to the utility company just to keep the power connected, before they even use a single kWh. Even if they don’t use their cottage all winter long, they still have to pay the monthly delivery charge. .

With Microgreen’s Powerpak kit, cottagers can go off-grid and save these utility charges. In less than 3 years, they get enough savings to cover the full cost of the Powerpak and can save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the system.

Going off-grid has never been easier. With sizes available from 3 kW to 8 kW, Microgreen has a solution for every cottage.

Easy Installation:

  • Install solar panels on the roof
  • Install the Powerpak & batteries near the main electrical panel
  • Plug the solar panels & batteries into the Powerpak
  • Connect the output of the Powerpak to the main electrical panel
  • The system is now providing off-grid power to the cottage

Installation contractors and electricians can be hired to provide assistance.

Proven Solution:

Microgreen has sold hundreds of Powerpaks. Many of these have been operating for 2 years.

PowerPak system Power Pak solar panel

Features & Benefits

  • Homes can be built on sites that don't have access to the electrical grid
  • Users don’t have to pay recurring utility bills or deal with intermittent power
  • The Powerpak is compact and doesn’t take up much living space
  • Zero emission power
  • Option to add remote monitoring – users can use their phones to see power consumption and battery state of charge
  • Options for grid connection and backup operating mode


  • The Powerpak is covered by a 2 year warranty.
  • Microgreen will repair or replace any components found to be faulty during the warranty period.

Additional services we offer:

  • Help choosing the right products and sizes for your cottage
  • After-sales service
  • Lithium battery recycling

Intallation of Microgreen solar panels on cottage roofs

Intallation of Microgreen Power Pak - a complete off-grid system-in-a-box for cottages

Intallation of Microgreen Emergency Back-up system for cottages